Wednesday, September 8, 2010


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all of his buds!(and a few sisters):)
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wonder where that ball went?!
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the puttputt didn't interest brooklynn, but for about 5 mins., so she just posed, ha!
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My little man(not little anymore!) turned 8! Austin usually always has a smile on his face and has always been a happy child. He has always been nonstop, since he was a baby!! I love that he is, and I've said it on here before, I think, but he still tells me he loves me several times a day and doesn't mind if I give him a kiss and hug in front of his buddies(Do you think this will end soon around his buddies?) Oh goodness, I hope not soon!! He loves, loves baseball and he LOVES to read chapter books(Magic Treehouse, Junie B. etc), and in the last year since he has really learned to read he loves reading the Bible to me, and that's the best book of ALL! He recently starting taking my job over in reading to them the Bible. WE are so BLESSED!

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