Tonight we celebrated in the kids room at church Happy Birthday Jesus. Our childrens minister did fun games where he would draw a number and the kid with that no would play the game and pick a prize. They could then give it away or keep it. In the end he was trying to teach them an important lesson about giving.
I'm so thankful for a church that cares about our children. After the new year I want to make even more of an effort to work really hard with my children on teaching them more at home. I know Chad and I can do even better.:)
I'm so thankful for wonderful family and friends. I would MUCH rather give to friends and family in anyway I can, than to receive. I get so much more out of it.(it makes me happy) I hope each one of your families that are reading this have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!
I found this online about the Birth of Jesus if any of you are interested in showing your children on Christmas Morning....